19.90 € incl. VAT (Tax)

Buy Elephant Shit - The Spice of Life

It will be an unforgettable gift for your enemies - powerful and impressive, so buy elephant shit. 

Home   ... and some more giftsBuy elephant shit for your enemies

A strong animal and a strong gift for an introductory price of 19,90 € (roughly 16,7 GBP or 22,00 US $).  

What will your enemy or friend get?

Quantity: One litre of our glorious gift  in a box, which is 1,76 pint or 2,11 US pint. In weight this corresponds to roughly one kilo or nearly 2 lb (UK) or 2,2 pt (US). 

The box will then be well stuffed, your greetings attached - if  you joined any -  and finally be embellished with some decorative paper and a bow, so that nobody can possibly have a clue about its shocking contents. 
The gift will then be bedded in a cardboard. 
Buy elephant shit for your best enemies and friends

Shipping is is completely anonymous with a fake sender on it. The package does neither include any advertising nor promotional material nor any hint to us, the sender or to you, the customer. 

The bill will be sent to the mail address which you indicated. Elephant shit gift

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